Update November 7, 2019: Our self-published version of Bastion is now available for iPhone and iPad! Get it here.
This fall, we'll be launching an updated version of the iPhone/iPad version of Bastion. This will affect existing customers of that version, so we wanted to let you know what to expect in advance. Here's what's going to happen, and look further down this post for in-depth Q&As:

1. The currently-available version of Bastion for iPhone/iPad, published by Warner Bros., will be delisted soon, in early November. Once delisted, it will no longer be updated or available for purchase. If you have already downloaded, it will remain on your device.
2. An updated version of the game, published by Supergiant Games, will be available at around the same time. This latest version has several enhancements:
Improved support for newer devices such as iPhone X and 11.
Simplified Chinese language option (set via your region setting).
The game is now free-to-try, just like the original Xbox LIVE Arcade classic!
After the trial levels, a one-time in-app purchase unlocks the full game. The in-app purchase is just $4.99. Although...
3. This updated version of Bastion will be FREE for a limited time, as part of our 10th anniversary celebration! We couldn't have come this far if not for the success of Bastion, and for all your support.
Bastion iOS Update - Q&As
You might have questions about some of these changes, so we wanted to answer them right here:
Q: Why is Bastion for iPhone/iPad being delisted soon? A: The reason is, the term of our distribution agreement with Warner Bros., our publishing partner for Bastion since we first launched the game in 2011, is expiring. (Back then, we didn't expect we'd still be supporting Bastion all these years later...!) Due to technical limitations, we cannot switch publishers for the existing app. Our only option was to work with Warner Bros. to delist the existing version, then publish the game ourselves. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Q: What does it mean that your distribution agreement with Warner Bros. has expired? A: It simply means anything Bastion-related will now be published by us at Supergiant Games. We have self-published each of our games since Bastion, so we're happy to have all our titles under our umbrella. We're very grateful to our partners at Warner Bros. for all their support along the way.
Q: If I own the existing version for iPhone/iPad, will I get the version published by Supergiant Games automatically? A: No. You will have to download it as a new app. It will not appear as an update to the existing app.
To help ease this transition, and in light of our 10th anniversary, you will be able to get the full game unlock FOR FREE for a limited time. Simply download the new version (once it's available), and look for the one-time in-app purchase, which will cost $0 for the rest of the year. Afterward, it will be $4.99.
Q: Will my cloud save data transfer from the current version of Bastion to the version published by Supergiant Games? A: No. Due to technical limitations, unfortunately your cloud save data cannot be transferred between these versions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Q: I wrote a customer review of Bastion for iPhone/iPad. Will it transfer to the new version? A: No. All the wonderful words of praise we've received over the years for Bastion for iPhone/iPad will unfortunately be removed when the app is delisted. We would be deeply grateful if you gave the new version a review once you've tried it. If you have a review up, please consider making a copy of the contents in case you want to repost it.
Q: Will my Game Center achievement progress transfer between versions? A: You probably know the answer by now, which unfortunately is No. On the other hand, you'll be able to earn all the Bastion achievements again in the version published by Supergiant Games.
Q: What's new and improved in this upcoming version of Bastion for iPhone/iPad? A: We've made a number of quality-of-life improvements to make sure Bastion runs great on the latest iOS devices. Changes include:
Improved support for newer devices such as iPhone X and 11
Simplified Chinese language option (set via your region setting)
The game is now free-to-try, just like the original Xbox LIVE Arcade classic!
Numerous bug fixes
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make this transition! Bastion for iPhone/iPad is one of the most-played versions of any of our games from over the years, so we're doing everything we can to reduce the friction here as we bring our first game back into the fold here.
Q: What are the device and OS requirements for the upcoming version? A: Bastion requires a device with iOS 9.0 or later. The OS requirement is updated from previous versions of the game, so please note it means the updated version of the game will not work on older devices, including the original iPad, iPhone 4, and iPod Touch. If you wish to continue playing Bastion on these devices, please be sure you have the existing version of the game downloaded before it is delisted in early November.